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Female Ivory Figurine

Ritual use


Around 29 000 years


In the Haute-Garonne, Lespugue yielded an ivory figurine, which, along with those from Kostenki, are masterpieces of female figurines.
A. Leroi-Gourhan, Préhistoire de l’art occidental, Mazenod, Paris, 1965


Commentary : 

Gravettian sites in southwestern France have yielded mammoth ivory figurines.

The ivory used to make the female figurine from Lespugue, in the Pyrenees, comes from the core of a compact and homogeneous tusk.

The Venus of Lespugue is represented in a way that is both realistic and abstract.

The main volumes of the breasts, belly and buttocks are perfectly integrated into the geometry of such a stylized figure.

This female representation can be considered the masterpiece of a talented Gravettian sculptor who lived 29 000 years ago.

Technical informations

Length: 07:17

Resolution : Full HD / 1920x1080

Video format : 16 / 9