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Tanged Point

Multi-functional tool

34 000 to 25 000 years


Point objects with an axially-narrowed base, called a ‘stem’ or ‘tang’, designed for hafting
B. Schmider, A. Leroi-Gourhan, Dictionnaire de la préhistoire. P.U.F, Paris, 1994


Commentary : 

At the beginning of the Upper Palaeolithic, a tendency of general elongation of the objects is noticeable. This is evident in the development of flint blades, reindeer antler spearpoints, and points with a tang that allows them to be hafted.

The production of tanged points, reflects the intention to fix it onto a handle of varying length, making it both more effective and easier to handle.

Around 25 000 years ago, the tanged point is a rare and original multifunctional object, which could be used as a hunting weapon as well as a knife for working wood and organic materials.


Technical informations

Length: 05:47

Resolution : Full HD / 1920x1080

Video format : 16 / 9