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Unifacial Point

Fine butchery

25 000 to 23 000 years


…points, the thinnest of which are entirely reworked on the convex face, while the other face remains flat...
D. Peyrony, Eléments de préhistoire, A. Costes, Paris. 1948


Commentary : 

During the Solutrean, the hunting of large herbivores such as bison, horse, and reindeer, are an essential part of life.

Efficient tools are needed to butcher carcasses and prepare meat for consumption or preservation. It is at this time that the unifacial point appeared in the hunter’s tool kit.

This pointed object has a natural razor sharp edge opposite a more or less abruptly retouched edge. The base is tapered to facilitate insertion into a wooden handle.

A unifacial point is an excellent knife, perfectly suited for finely cutting meat and for working with soft, easily workable materials.


Technical informations

Length: 04:30

Resolution : Full HD / 1920x1080

Video format : 16 / 9