Star-shaped Piercer
Perforating soft material
Beginning of the Magdalenian
Around 21 000 years
Fairly frequent at the beginning of the Magdalenian, this type of multiple piercer is made on a flake by creating several short points around its edges
Y. Taborin, S. Thiébault, A. Leroi-Gourhan Dictionnaire de la préhistoire. P.U.F, Paris, 1994
Commentary :
Star-shaped piercers are common on campsites dated to the beginning of the Magdalenian.
This tool is used to perforate thin, fragile materials that required precision and delicacy rather than strength.
The ingenious combination of several different points allows the same tool to make multiple complementary holes.
The star-shaped piercer is therefore an ideal tool working a variety of supple, organic and plant materials, sewing skins or making composite personal ornaments.