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Large Decorated Spearpoint

Ritual use

Lascaux type, Dordogne

Beginning of the Magdalenian
Around 21 000 years


…As we are not confronted with a workshop or a living space, it is likely that they had a ritual function connected to art of the sanctuary.
A. Laming, Lascaux. Union Générale d'Editions. 1964.


Commentary : 

Reindeer antler spearpoints of exceptional dimensions, measuring more than 30 cm, were discovered in Lascaux Cave.

The link between these prestigious hunting weapons and the animals depicted on the walls, is reflected in their association with geometric star symbols, identical to those engraved on the spearpoints.

Animal figures and the walls of the cave clearly bear random traces that may have resulted from the rubbing of the spear’s sharp points.

The unusual presence of uniquely decorated hunting weapons, in the heart of the Lascaux sanctuary underlines the complexity of the ritual practices and behaviours that took place in decorated caves.


Technical informations

Length: 06:28

Resolution : Full HD / 1920x1080

Video format : 16 / 9