Pierced Baton
Bone, wood and leather working
La Madeleine type, Dordogne
21 000 to 14 000 years
Commentary :
The pierced baton appeared at the beginning of the Upper Palaeolithic, at the same time as the first bone projectile points.
Traces of use around the edges of the perforation, along with the robust form of the handle, indicate its function as a lever. This instrument is thus very efficient for straightening heated spear points. In just a few instants it is possible to correct the natural curvature of the reindeer antler, from which they are made.
The form and function of the pierced baton, remained remarkably stable for over.
20 000 years. It was during the Magdalenian that rich decoration appears on this instrument, revealing the intention of hunters to personalize an everyday object that was part of their lives.