
Les contenus par publics

Dufour Bladelet

Cutting soft materials

42 000 to 34 000 years


These bladelets are almost entirely produced from carinated pieces – carinated endscrapers or nosed endscrapers with a wide edge from which a majority of bladelets are removed.
J. Pelegrin et M. O’Farrell, Productions lamellaires attribuées à l’Aurignacien. C.N.R.S. 2005


Commentary : 

Dufour bladelets appear at the beginning of the Upper Palaeolithic, around 35 000 years ago. These small, narrow pieces have a curved profile, and very short marginal retouch.

These tiny objects with sharp but fragile edges, can be used in various activities requiring detailed work.

Some of these fine bladelets are therefore well adapted to working soft, flexible organic materials, such as removing fresh sinew, and the separating bundles of fibre, that were used to attach projectile points.

The production of very small bladelets presents an economic advantage for nomadic hunting groups.

By transporting a very small quantity of raw material, these indispensable elements are always ready-at-hand, for use in both domestic activities, and hunting.


Technical informations

Length: 05:25

Resolution : Full HD / 1920x1080

Video format : 16 / 9