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Aurignacian Blade

Hunting and butchery knife

42 000 to 34 000 years


...blade with invasive, semi-abrupt, often scalar retouch on one, or more often both edges…
D. de Sonneville-Bordes et J. Perrot, Lexique typologique du Paléolithique supérieur 1956



The skilled serial manufacture of large blades lead to the emergence of new tool types at the beginning of the Upper Palaeolithic.

Their length and robust form, allow the function of Aurignacian blades, to be improved by hafting.

These tools are used in several domestic activities, including the essential task of processing hunted animals.

The appearance of Aurignacian blades, represents the successful prototype of a versatile knife, that facilitates the work of hunter-gatherers, and improves the quality of their daily lives.


Technical informations

Length: 05:27

Resolution : Full HD / 1920x1080

Video format : 16 / 9