
Les contenus par publics

Eyed Needles

Sewing of soft materials

25 000 to 23 000 years


These needles (…) are finer than all those used by the Greeks and Romans, even more than those still used by our grandmothers only two or three centuries ago.
M. Hardy, La station quaternaire de Raymonden à Chancelade (Dord.) Paris, Leroux,1891


Commentary : 

The eyed needle is invented during an especially cold episode of the last glaciation. It is one of the rare instruments of daily life, whose form and function have remained the same until today. The use of eyed needle, with resistant thread made from sinew or vegetal fibers, allows for the efficient sewing of hides and furs. The delicate sewing of clothes, but also of hangings and protective covers, contributes to the improvement of living conditions.
When faced with very rigorous climatic conditions, effective protection against the cold and harsh weather is vital. Warm, waterproof clothing, permit hunters to take greater risks during expeditions. But by protecting the most fragile individuals, especially children and infants, prehistoric humans, made a decisive step in their adaptation to the environment.


Technical informations

Length: 05:44

Resolution : Full HD / 1920x1080

Video format : 16 / 9