The approach
Neither fiction nor documentary : Les Gestes de la Préhistoire
The unique nature of the audiovisual encyclopedia “Les Gestes de la Préhistoire” originates in the meeting of two prehistorians, Jean-Michel Geneste and Serge Maury and a director, Pascal Magontier. Attentive and respectful of everyone’s concerns, they developed an original approach to represent and transmit realities that have been gone for millennia. The result is a work, rare for its length - 99 films between 3 and 9 minutes each - which is also pioneering in its form because it does not use any of the archetypes specific to fiction films and television documentaries; or rather it accumulates them by inverting them.
As for the films “Les Gestes de la Préhistoire”, we could talk about perfectly rigorous fiction from a scientific point of view or scientific documentaries fully open to the imagination.