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Truncation Burin

Working hard fibrous materials

Around 35 000 years


Aurignacian stone tools are made on thick blades or flakes
M. Otte, La Préhistoire, Armand Collin, Paris. 2009


Commentary : 

During the Aurignacian, over 35 000 years, the regular production of large flint blades, allows more efficient tools to be created. Their length make them easy to hold and efficient to work with. Their use-life is considerably longer, as they can be re-sharpened numerous times.

During the Aurignacian, the burin is used to work fibrous organic materials, such as wood, an essential element for the manufacture of hunting weapons, and everyday objects.



Technical informations

Length: 03:35

Resolution : Full HD / 1920x1080

video format : 16 / 9