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Collection - Les gestes de la préhistoire

Dihedral Burin

Working bone and plant materials

Upper Palaeolithic,
44 000 to 14 000 years


The first removal serves as the striking platform for the second, which creates a dihedral angle with the first.
J. Tixier, Typologie de l’Epipaléolithique du Maghreb. Mémoire du C.R.A.P.E, Alger, 1963.


Commentary : 

The dihedral burin takes its name from the active part of the tool which resembles a dihedral bevel.

Regardless of its shape or size, the tool functions like a sculptor or carpenter's chisel by removing material to make a channel or deepen a groove.

Although appearing sporadically in earlier periods, the dihedral burin becomes more common in the Upper Palaeolithic, which seems to be linked to the increased use of bone and plant materials.



Technical informations

Length: 03:38

Resolution : Full HD / 1920x1080

Video format : 16 / 9

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